Supported by Anima-Mundi ‘In Fields of Grace’ at The Crypt Gallery, St Pancras, London, October 2018 featured four main installations alongside smaller framed moving image works, unique polaroids and photographic prints on glass.
‘In Fields of Grace’ presents an echoing loop, as if from a scene within a script, where Thorp’s protagonist dreams he is walking through Campo de Fiori in Rome - no longer as a cobbled piazza, but a field of wild flowers. A nostalgic lamentation for the past permeates all facets of the exhibition evoking a quiet and subtle sense of urgency to protect what is unique and authentic; in contrast to the pervasive erosion endemic to our contemporary world.
The multi-layered nature of Thorp’s work, accompanied by intricate soundscapes and snippets of spoken word create a rich environment, in which the audience is taken out of our daily monotony and immersed in a whirling, dancing, beautiful dream.

Please follow this link for an EXHIBITION TEXT BY DR. VIRGINIA BUTTON
Some quotes from In Fields of Grace
Stunning visual poetry; utterly transporting
Fantastic, eerie and enticing makes one ponder the condition of existence in a poetic way…
Such a work of art “in fields of grace”
Completely entrancing and unique … you really forget where you are…
An amazing surprise. I was completely immersed in the atmosphere. I loved it. Best in the world.
A wonderful journey…
It’s rare to get chills from such installations
Truly unique and enchanting. You transcend into a world full of wonder, pain, magic and beauty
So still, quiet, there’s more to this world…then the sirens wail, above
It’s very beautiful and full of grace. Thank you
Made me feel like I do when I watch Tarkovsky – beautiful work